character(len=30) :: institution ! your institution
  integer           :: wri_unit    ! output file number
  integer           :: i           ! loop index
  real              :: reso        ! spectral resolution:
                                   ! 1.0 cm**-1 or 0.01 cm**-1
  integer           :: atmosphere  ! 1 = midlat day
                                   ! 2 = midlat night
                                   ! 3 = polar winter
                                   ! 4 = polar summer
  character(len=4)  :: nlte_flag   ! ' LTE' or 'NLTE'
  real              :: mwl         ! left boundary of microwindow
  integer           :: n_pts       ! number of radiances
  real              :: ztan        ! tangent altitude in km 
  real              :: wdel        ! wavenumber increment (0.01 or 1.00 cm**-1) 
  real, dimension (:) :: spec      ! spectral radiance nW/(cm**2 sr cm**-1)

  write(wri_unit,'(a2,a30)') '# ', institution
                  '# ', atmosphere, nlte_flag, z_tan, mwl,reso 
  do i = 1, n_pts    ! on output wavenumber points
    write(wri_unit,'(f18.10,1pe16.7)')  mwl + (i - 1) * wdel, spec(i)
  end do